Link2 is a vibrant, family-oriented club for young adults aged 16 to 28 with learning disabilities and autism. As a supportive and inclusive community, we provide opportunities to build confidence, develop life skills, and foster independence. Whether it’s learning to prepare a meal, gaining confidence with public transport, or enjoying a night out with friends, Link2 offers a safe and welcoming environment where members can thrive.
Our weekly Monday night sessions are filled with fun, laughter, and friendship, with over 60 members enjoying social activities, games, and events. Beyond club nights, Link2 actively supports members on their journey to independence, including pathways to employment, volunteering, and greater community engagement. Together, we’re creating opportunities for growth, self-reliance, and meaningful connections.


Monday Night is Link2 Club Night!
Link2 Club Night runs from 6pm to 8:30pm. We often have over 60 members attending, aged 16 to 28 years. Our support is discrete. We allow members as much independence as they can manage so they can enjoy a night out just like any other young adult.​
WE HAVE SUCH FUN providing a wide and varied timetable of social activities!
Our Mission
Link2 seeks to provide a friendly supportive environment for young adults with learning disabilities and their families who can find life challenging.
We support them on a path to growing independence as they move into adult life.
Link2 fosters a culture of respect and friendship between it's members
and staff at all times.
Aims of Link2
Build or boost confidence and reduce social isolation among young adults with learning disabilities and autism.
Provide engaging and varied Monday evening clubs for social interaction and development.
Support members in gaining life skills, including independent travel, budgeting, and nutritional awareness.
Strengthen pathways to employment and voluntary opportunities through partnerships with local businesses.
Empower members to access community services and facilities independently.
Offer guidance and support to families and carers, fostering positive connections.
Enhance resilience, self-esteem, and independence through tailored activities and experiences.


We have worked with Dilys for over 5 years now supporting her with getting students valuable work experience to help enhance their CVs and providing them with life experiences which had previously been difficult to attain. We have gone on to hire a number of students into full time roles at Game. It has been an absolute pleasure working with Dilys and the students and we hope to continue supporting such a great scheme

Over the years Luxonic Lighting have supported the club with fund raising events. They have been a vital part of our into work programme, offering young members work experience and jobs. We are so grateful to companies like Luxonic who give our young people a chance.
Get in touch
Funding Support
This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

We are grateful for the generous support from the the following organisations